Computer usage and the vadility of seft-assessed computer competece among first-year business students

Tóm tắt nội dung: This study evaluates the reliability of self-assessment as a measure of computer competence. This evaluation is carried out in response to recent research which has employed self-reported ratings as the sole indicator of students’ computer competence.


Tác giả:     Joan A. Ballantine, Pactricia McCourt Larres, Peter Oyelere

Xuất bản:     United kingdom

Số phát hành:     2007

Mô tả vật lý:     15tr.

Dạng tài liệu:     Báo điện tử

Nguồn gốc:     Scient Direct

Ngôn ngữ:     Eng

Tài liệu:     Xem toàn văn

Tóm tắt nội dung: This study evaluates the reliability of self-assessment as a measure of computer competence. This evaluation is carried out in response to recent research which has employed self-reported ratings as the sole indicator of students’ computer competence. The results reveal a statistically significantly over-estimation of computer competence among the students surveyed. Furthermore, reported pre-university computer experience in terms of home and school use and formal IT education does not affect this result. The findings call into question the validity of using self-assessment as a measure of computer competence. More generally, the study also provides an up-to-date picture of self-reported computer usage and IT experience among pre-university students from New Zealand and South-east Asia and contrasts these findings with those from previous research.

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