A study on the Web-based intelligent self-diagnosis medical system

Tóm tắt nội dung: U-Health is a representative realization method of ubiquitous IT and it is being embossed as an industry that can make our lives abundant. Through the u-Health, the diagnosis will go beyond the restriction of space, which is based on hospital, and be positioned as a universal value in a daily life by combining diagnosis and life naturally.


Tác giả:     Pyung Jin Kwon, Heon Kim, Ungmo Kim

Xuất bản:     South Korea

Số phát hành:     28/10/2008

Mô tả vật lý:     5tr.

Dạng tài liệu:     Báo

Nguồn gốc:     Scient Direct

Ngôn ngữ:     Eng

Tài liệu:     Xem toàn văn

Tóm tắt nội dung: U-Health is a representative realization method of ubiquitous IT and it is being embossed as an industry that can make our lives abundant. Through the u-Health, the diagnosis will go beyond the restriction of space, which is based on hospital, and be positioned as a universal value in a daily life by combining diagnosis and life naturally. The researcher would like to suggest systematical and intelligent medical diagnosis expert system that can give the effect same as the help from real experts with health check helper and scientific and objective knowledge that fit to the age and environment of changing. The system proposed in this paper suggests synthetic preventive health care methods by analyzing life style, food and nutritions beyond just finding the name of disease. This is intelligent medical expert system that suggests pre- and post-care and appropriate cure after analyzing one’s own health condition on the basis of knowledge.

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