NCKH - Tin học

The ECDL programme in Italian Universities

Tóm tắt nội dung: Chương trình chứng chỉ tin học Châu Âu nhằm hướng tới các bài kiểm tra về kỹ năng thực hành và...

Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute; Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute and IBM Launch Smart Grid Framework

Tóm tắt nội dung: Theo Bộ Năng lượng của Mỹ, nếu người dân Bắc Mỹ chỉ sử dụng vừa khoảng 5% trong toàn hệ...

The European computer driving licence and the use of computers by dental students

Việc sử dụng máy vi tính trong chương trình giảng dạy cho sinh viên nha khoa rất hữu ích trong nhiều lĩnh vực nghiên...

Lessons from Experience Managing Software test teams

Tóm tắt nội dung: This article is a culmination of observations and recommentdations for software engineering and software testing professtionals. Some of the material...

Computer usage and the vadility of seft-assessed computer competece among first-year business students

Tóm tắt nội dung: This study evaluates the reliability of self-assessment as a measure of computer competence. This evaluation is carried out in response to...

Efficient keyword search over virtual XML views

Tóm tắt nội dung: Emerging applications such as personalized portals, enterprise search, and web integration systems often require keyword search over semi-structured views. However, traditional...

King Saud University adopts ICDL program as a qualification for preparatory-year students

Tóm tắt nội dung: KSU has revealed that the preparatory year will serve as a training and testing period for students to acquire the...

E-WORLD: 4 threats to Indian software industry

Tóm tắt nội dung: When the complexity of the required software product is known and well understood, these attributes are likely to result," he...